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Adding MiFID (Memorization-Informed Frechet Inception Distance) Metric #1578

Closed Dibz15 closed 1 year ago

Dibz15 commented 1 year ago

🚀 Feature

The goal of this feature would be to implement the MiFID metric initially proposed in On Training Sample Memorization: Lessons from Benchmarking Generative Modeling with a Large-scale Competition. It is an extension of FID, so it could be implemented similarly.


I found myself needing to use this metric with PyTorch, but didn't find any existing implementations that use PyTorch tensors. I've used torchmetrics (including for FID) in the past, so I thought that this metric could be a good addition to the library. Additionally, since FID is already present then I imagined an MiFID implementation should not be too difficult to write as an extension of the existing FID code.


I would like to add MiFID to the library as an extension of FID. I've already implemented the metric myself as a Metric, and ran some basic tests against the original implementation from the source repo (which uses NumPy for matrix operations, found here).

Although I've already got the metric working (and I'll paste my class code below), I would need some help integrating it into the library and adding tests in order to follow the contribution guidelines and the steps given at the bottom of the Metric page.


The current alternative us just using the NumPy-based solution given in the original source repository.

Additional context

Here is my current code for this feature:

from numpy.lib.type_check import real
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
from torch import Tensor
from torch.autograd import Function
from torch.nn import Module

from torchmetrics.image.fid import NoTrainInceptionV3, MatrixSquareRoot, sqrtm, _compute_fid
from torchmetrics.metric import Metric
from torchmetrics.utilities import rank_zero_info
from torchmetrics.utilities.imports import _SCIPY_AVAILABLE, _TORCH_FIDELITY_AVAILABLE
import numpy as np
import scipy

    import scipy

def _normalize_rows(x: torch.Tensor):
    function that normalizes each row of the matrix x to have unit length.

     ``x``: A PyTorch tensor of shape (n, m)

     ``x``: The normalized (by row) PyTorch tensor.
    return x / torch.norm(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)

def _distance_thresholding(d : torch.Tensor, eps=0.1):
    if d < eps:
        return d
        return 1

def _compute_cosine_distance(features1 : Tensor, features2: Tensor):
    features1_nozero = features1[torch.sum(features1, dim=1) != 0]
    features2_nozero = features2[torch.sum(features2, dim=1) != 0]
    norm_f1 = _normalize_rows(features1_nozero)
    norm_f2 = _normalize_rows(features2_nozero)

    d = 1.0 - torch.abs(torch.matmul(norm_f1, norm_f2.t()))
    mean_min_d = torch.mean(torch.min(d, dim=1).values)
    return mean_min_d

def _compute_mifid(mu1: Tensor, sigma1: Tensor, features1: Tensor, mu2 : Tensor, sigma2: Tensor, features2: Tensor):
    fid_value = _compute_fid(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2)
    distance = _compute_cosine_distance(features1, features2)
    distance_thr = _distance_thresholding(distance, eps=0.1)
    mifid = fid_value / (distance_thr + 10e-15)
    # print("FID_public: ", fid_value, "distance_public: ", distance_thr, "multiplied_public: ", mifid)
    return mifid

class MemorizationInformedFrechetInceptionDistance(Metric):
    higher_is_better: bool = False
    is_differentiable: bool = False
    full_state_update: bool = False

    real_features_sum: Tensor
    real_features_cov_sum: Tensor
    real_features_num_samples: Tensor
    real_features_stacked: Tensor

    fake_features_sum: Tensor
    fake_features_cov_sum: Tensor
    fake_features_num_samples: Tensor
    fake_features_stacked: Tensor

    def __init__(
        feature: Union[int, Module] = 2048,
        reset_real_features: bool = True,
        normalize: bool = False,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:

        if isinstance(feature, int):
            num_features = feature
            if not _TORCH_FIDELITY_AVAILABLE:
                raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                    "MemorizationInformedFrechetInceptionDistance metric requires that `Torch-fidelity` is installed."
                    " Either install as `pip install torchmetrics[image]` or `pip install torch-fidelity`."
            valid_int_input = [64, 192, 768, 2048]
            if feature not in valid_int_input:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Integer input to argument `feature` must be one of {valid_int_input}, but got {feature}."

            self.inception = NoTrainInceptionV3(name="inception-v3-compat", features_list=[str(feature)])

        elif isinstance(feature, Module):
            self.inception = feature
            dummy_image = torch.randint(0, 255, (1, 3, 299, 299), dtype=torch.uint8, device=self.inception.device)
            num_features = self.inception(dummy_image).shape[-1]
            raise TypeError("Got unknown input to argument `feature`")

        if not isinstance(reset_real_features, bool):
            raise ValueError("Argument `reset_real_features` expected to be a bool")
        self.reset_real_features = reset_real_features

        if not isinstance(normalize, bool):
            raise ValueError("Argument `normalize` expected to be a bool")
        self.normalize = normalize

        mx_nb_feets = (num_features, num_features)

        self.add_state("real_features_stacked", torch.zeros((0, num_features)).double(), dist_reduce_fx='cat')
        self.add_state("fake_features_stacked", torch.zeros((0, num_features)).double(), dist_reduce_fx='cat')

    def update(self, imgs: Tensor, real: bool) -> None:  # type: ignore
        """Update the state with extracted features."""
        imgs = (imgs * 255).byte() if self.normalize else imgs
        features = self.inception(imgs)
        self.orig_dtype = features.dtype
        features = features.double()

        if features.dim() == 1:
            features = features.unsqueeze(0)   
        if real:
            self.real_features_stacked =, features), dim=0)
            self.fake_features_stacked =, features), dim=0)

    def compute(self) -> Tensor:
        """Calculate MiFID score based on accumulated extracted features from the two distributions."""

        mean_real = torch.mean(self.real_features_stacked, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
        mean_fake = torch.mean(self.fake_features_stacked, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)

        cov_real = torch.cov(self.real_features_stacked.t())
        cov_fake = torch.cov(self.fake_features_stacked.t())

        return _compute_mifid(mean_real.squeeze(0), cov_real, self.real_features_stacked, mean_fake.squeeze(0), cov_fake, self.fake_features_stacked).to(self.orig_dtype)

    def to(self, device):
        self.inception =
        return super().to(device)

    def reset(self) -> None:
        if not self.reset_real_features:
            real_features_stacked = deepcopy(self.real_features_stacked)
            self.real_features_stacked = real_features_stacked

A couple of notes about this:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi! thanks for your contribution!, great first issue!

stancld commented 1 year ago

Hi @Dibz15, thanks for a nice initiative.I think you can try to open a draft PR and we can help you there to finish it! :]