can you also update docs/source/faqs.rst - in the first entry, "Can I import a pose estimation project in another format", can you update to:
We currently support conversion from DLC or SLEAP projects into Lightning Pose projects (if you would like support for another format, please [open an issue](
**For DLC**: First, make sure that all videos in your DLC project are actual files, not symbolic links. Symlinked videos in the DLC project will not be uploaded. Next, compress your DLC project into a zip file - you will upload this into the app later.
**For SLEAP**: Make sure that you export both frames and keypoints in a ``.pkg.slp`` file.
Finally, when you run the app select “Create new project from source” and upload your zip file. As of 07/2023 context datasets are not automatically created upon import; if this is a feature you would like to see, please [open an issue](
Similarly, can you update docs/source/tabs/manage_project.rst? There is a section on creating a new project from source, just make sure you also indicate that SLEAP projects are supported now.
can you also update
- in the first entry, "Can I import a pose estimation project in another format", can you update to: