Lightning-Universe / lightning-transformers

Flexible components pairing 🤗 Transformers with :zap: Pytorch Lightning
Apache License 2.0
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pip installation issues #285

Closed omerarshad closed 1 year ago

omerarshad commented 1 year ago

Facing difficulty installing using pip install lightning-transformers,

INFO: pip is looking at multiple versions of numpy, and it keeps on searching for hours.

Any solution?

turian commented 1 year ago

This is pip backtracking and it SUCKS. The only solution I know is to pin a numpy dependency. I've heard of tools like poetry that may solve this, but I haven't used them.

Borda commented 1 year ago

@omerarshad, can you give us some more details about your local configuration (OS, Python version, and if you used Conda env.)?

turian commented 1 year ago

@omerarshad Can you please post the full log including all the backtracking?

It's important for us to share this with pypi upstream, because they are actively trying to squash this backtracking nonsense.

techthiyanes commented 1 year ago

Kindly install from the source where you won't face any issues.

git clone
cd lightning-transformers
pip install .