LightningGuard / Syllabus-Creation-Tool

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Created a way that faculty members can create a syllabus template. Th… #31

Closed Jamesf15182 closed 2 years ago

Jamesf15182 commented 2 years ago

…is is done by the instructor entering their course related info and hitting submit to see a preview of what it would look like.

This request fixes #4

Here are the test for my code:

Added test - 1)class TestCreateSyllabusPage(TestCase): 2)class TestSyllabusViewerPage(TestCase): 3)class TestInstructorPage(StaticLiveServerTestCase): 4)class TestSyllabusMakerPage(StaticLiveServerTestCase): 5)class TestSyllabusBadInput(StaticLiveServerTestCase):

Forgot to add comments to 1&2 but they just test if the site is reachable

destin22 commented 2 years ago

Reviewed this in discord and for sake of comment noticed we worked on similar things and used similar tactics to complete them looks great!