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Hunter Traps: trigger radius is too small #1008

Open Erhog opened 5 years ago

Erhog commented 5 years ago

Hello, Hunter's trap trigger radius should be 5 yards. It's common melee radius. At this time on server trap radius = exactly trap model radius which is jsut 2 yards. This is huge nerf for a CC that has 15s cooldown and 30s cooldown in fight. You sometimes it's impossible trapping enemy who attacked you in melee you not placing trap exactly in enemy charater model.


Freezing Trap now has a trigger radius of 3 yards (down from 5 yards).

videos: 14:50, 24:00 0:06, 0:54, 5:25 5:10(trap was resisted, but triggering radius clearly seen)11:15 1:35, 3:04, 3:55

Erhog commented 5 years ago

first month bump