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Deeprun Tram #134

Open fgsfdss opened 6 years ago

fgsfdss commented 6 years ago

Only the southern tram runs. The northern one seems entirely missing. Where has it gone?

Cabro commented 6 years ago

It's the phasing. If you enter the Deeprun Tram from Ironforge side you only see the closest train. If you enter from Stormwind side you only see the furthest one. Even when there are players arriving on the invisible train, you will know that the train is there but you won't see it and you will fall through it if you try to board it. Doubt it will get fixed, there's a whole lot more getting bugged due to the phasing than the trains.

Kittnz commented 6 years ago

"there's a whole lot more getting bugged due to the phasing than the trains." Such as?

Niceguyone commented 6 years ago

At least previously, phasing also used to cause problems in the Sylvanas room in Undercity. The room is divided into like three (or more?) phasing areas, which prevent you from seeing players in another area and NPCs from chasing you between them. This basically enables alliance players to drop aggro from guards and to hide from horde players.

Cabro commented 6 years ago

"Such as?" Summoning while on FP with phasing in effect. Horrendous results.