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Loatheb Dispels Vampiric Embrace Incorrectly in 1.12.1 #144

Open towneh opened 6 years ago

towneh commented 6 years ago

Loatheb dispels Vampiric Embrace from himself, which was a hot-fix applied during 2.0.1 following the video posted by Death and Taxes during the TBC pre-patch:

"Shadow priests are excellent for healing groups with current talents (as of 4 January 2007) as shown by Death and Taxes, who successfully managed to kill him with five people. Movie: This was hotfixed later, and Loatheb dispels the Vampiric Embrace off of himself shortly after applied. Vampiric Embrace triggers the Corrupted Mind debuff."

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

Arguably an exploit.

towneh commented 6 years ago

An exploit that's surely impossible to do because it requires TBC talents and spells to keep up any form of noticeable healing through VE? It had been left unchecked for months during retail and then became an issue that warranted a hotfix after shadow priests actually were viable from the expansion patch.

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

Hence the "arguably" part.

Starfallen1 commented 6 years ago

I mean, the whole reason the fight was changed was because of a TBC patch, which we do not have, the 1.11 version of the fight would have VE not be immune if I'm reading correctly and it not be changed until the prepatch, which introduced talents that changed the way shadowpriest work. Why keep a boss with mechanics that it did not have until TBC that were only changed because of TBC talents? Since we don't have the TBC talents that made it exploitable, why keep TBC mechanics?

towneh commented 6 years ago

I would imagine that a lot of guilds at most employed a single raiding shadow priest in Naxxramas during 1.12.x. it is highly likely that any attempt to cheese Loatheb would be met with the following problems:-

1) 16 debuff slot limit, which changed to 40 in 2.0.x. VE frequently getting knocked off due to being a low priority debuff. 2) Lack of VT to sustain the shadow priest for any length of time, which could also be stacked by multiple priests as 2.0.x brought with it the ability to stack dots from multiple sources. 3) VE could be stacked multiple times on the boss to mitigate the raid damage within a single party or across multiple party groups in a raid. 4) VE heals had a chance to crit during 2.0.x 5) The missing additional damage from VT means less incoming healing through VE. 6) Missing Misery and Shadow Power talents means overall damage is lessened and Mind Blast in particular is far weaker than the TBC counterpart.

Byste commented 6 years ago

Why is this still not fixed.

Cabro commented 6 years ago

Because the bosses scripts are in their pre-nerfed state. #235 Oh wait...

Soulwing666 commented 6 years ago

This behaviour of VE being dispelled in vanilla is not blizzlike, please fix it.

Soulwing666 commented 6 years ago

Our raidsetup is including one shadowpriest and several warlocks. Warlocks face the issue that they have to life tap to gain mana, The shadowpriest is healing these warlocks with vampiric embrace to mitigate this life loss a bit. And somehow a developer here thought its a nice idea to render this ability useless. This boss was designed to work with vampiric embrace throughout vanilla, stop this please and restore the working solution. We are not the fucked up progress guild that has 25 rank 14 melees to zerg it down without mana issues and later logg to their casters to beat other bosses with simmilar equipped alts or a raidpool of 3 raids so please dont implement design- and balance breaking mechanics like thisone disabeling of a core ability for a class for a boss into the code.

Picajzla commented 6 years ago

bump,bump. This is supposed to work in vanilla and it's definitely not an exploit. Change came with TBC patch as it's been stated and explained before. If people are actually using a shadow priest that consumes 3 debuff slots why not make it as it's supposed to work and give them one of their tools back?

Aklol commented 6 years ago


Soulwing666 commented 6 years ago


Byste commented 6 years ago

To the top!

Soulwing666 commented 6 years ago

still not fixed

Soulwing666 commented 6 years ago

still nothing :-(

Byste commented 6 years ago

Devs probably mute issues they don't like instead of confronting them