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Friendly Bowman Disappear while tower is still up in Alterac Valley #185

Open turetafr opened 6 years ago

turetafr commented 6 years ago

If Alliance take Relief Hut graveyard, or Horde take Aid Station graveyard, all opposing archers despawn from bunkers and towers, even though the bunkers and towers have not been capped. The Bowmen should not despawn unless the bunker or tower is fully burned.

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

Side effect of the RH and AS graveyards are being used as control events for the various reinforced versions of the guard NPCs. When its taken they all despawn.

turetafr commented 6 years ago

Will this ever be fixed? It makes almost impossible to defend your keep when your archers disappear from a bunker that has not been captured. It is not supposed to be this way.

turetafr commented 6 years ago

Please look into this issue. It is not supposed to work this way.

turetafr commented 6 years ago

Why are so many alterac valley issues being ignored?