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Holiday items expire time #20

Open Bug-finder opened 6 years ago

Bug-finder commented 6 years ago


All "duration" items must be deleted when time is over or event is end. I have one of these things, but can there be similar things from other events? Is not it ?

Niceguyone commented 6 years ago

I think the duration is only consumed by your in-game play time and not offline time. In other words, you can preserve items with a duration forever by not logging in.

I'm not sure if this is the correct behaviour though.

Bloodmoon-Darrowshire commented 6 years ago

No. Countdown on this things start when you get it things. And things deleteted when time is over(count in-game+online time).

Niceguyone commented 6 years ago

These comments from vanilla indicate that only logged-in time should matter:

Hammer of Expertise (a hammer summoned by a trinket with a duration of days)

FYI - the 60 minute duration on the hammer only counts down while you are logged in. The cooldown on the trinket to summon the hammer countsdown whether you are logged in or not.

Goblin Engineer Membership card (14-day duration)

Basically what the card does is allows you to learn skills form your chosen trainer (Goblin trainer or gnome trainer) if your card expires, you can no longer be taught any new schematics. you can go to the trainer and have him renew the card for 2 gold. the card lasts 14 days of gameplay (doesnt count time when your not playing) Make sure you dont go and renew your card just to find out you have learnt all the plans from the guy already =P. hope this answered everybody's question. if you need more info send mail to HordeBoy on the Durotan server.

The same mechanic probably applies to every item with a duration, explaining how Bug-finder still has the Wand of Holiday Cheer.

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

Some items expire with logged in time others with real time, need source for wand.

Bug-finder commented 6 years ago "if you want to use this in next summer instead of now when everyone has one, don't open the gift boxes until then. this wand will disappear in 10 days once the box is open. (if you even get one)" P.S. The box was opened as soon as received.

Niceguyone commented 6 years ago

Ye kinda seems that the item should disappear in real time.

Are there any other holiday/special event items with a duration? Could be useful to check them as well to ensure that their durations are expiring correctly.