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Daze is completely overtuned (Northdale) #473

Open L33tspeek opened 6 years ago

L33tspeek commented 6 years ago

Something I have noticed quite a lot recently is that the Daze mechanic is completely overtuned and procs far too often across the board. It is not uncommon for a player to be permaslowed by mobs upwards of 5 levels below them. In fact, I can't remember the last mob that wasn't grey that didn't Daze me at least once while chasing, if not on the first hit and repeatedly.

The Daze mechanic involves mob level and player defense. Generally, melee classes (especially tanks) should hardly get dazed at all even by mobs their own level. This is because their defense skill is usually maxed or very high, and tanks typically have bonus defense. Regardless, as a prot paladin wearing some defense gear at level 37, there isn't a single mob 30+ that won't without fail keep me near permaslowed if my back is to them (with 5+ levels difference)

First of all, the mobs on this server as a whole seem to have a passive bonus move speed and players, even with a healthy head start, will be caught quickly by almost any mob. Beasts seem to move at AT LEAST 130% base speed. Once caught, even slow hitting mobs will have no trouble keeping a player dazed half the time until they reset (which is very, very long in vanilla). I've had creeps catch me after eating a full length hammer of justice and running immediately (4 second head start or 25+ yards). Any mob will keep up with a paladin with Pursuit of Justice, so they must be moving at at least 110% base.

If I had to guess, I would say the daze rate is at least 30% always unless the mob is vastly below you. I remember in retail vanilla/TBC that while you may get dazed, you didn't expect it. On this server, if the mob gives me experience I EXPECT to get dazed IMMEDIATELY when being chased. This should not be the case. I don't have a mount yet but I assume if this rate continues it must be impossible to expect to stay mounted while running past anything near your level, which is incorrect. It should be a relatively small chance that this ever happens, ESPECIALLY to tanks (which I am).

Something is very off, I'm not sure what it is exactly. Daze is far, far too powerful on Northdale

L33tspeek commented 6 years ago

This makes areas that should be skippable unpassable. It effects WPVP by completely gimping any player that is engaged while a mob is on them (basically a perma hamstring that can't be dispelled), making a run for it (out of an insta-spawn cave for example) basically a death sentence, chasing down a fleeing mob with a mob on you (which is also a bug) impossible, running through high level areas impossible, running away unviable (a basic strategy), and any other number of other issues.

This combined with the passive 110%+ speed all creeps get and the fleeing issues mentioned in my other post make mob combat far more dangerous and frustrating than it should be.

CATastropheDE commented 6 years ago

Not only a problem on Northdale imo, I noticed silly dazed mechanics on Lightbringer too.

L33tspeek commented 6 years ago

Not only a problem on Northdale imo, I noticed silly dazed mechanics on Lightbringer too.

Ah, I usually play a mage on LB so I wouldn't notice due to Frost Armor

Cabro commented 6 years ago

You will still get dazed through it.

Gamemechanicwow commented 6 years ago

Looked at the code and couldn't see anything wrong with it.

The base chance for being dazed is 20% - if your def and the mobs attackskill are equal. If you are level 37 and being hit by a level 32 mob, you have 15% chance to be dazed, which seems to be blizzlike.

If you are below level 30, the probability is lower.

Cabro commented 6 years ago

Keep in my mind that usually the defense skill of a mage is laughable. Increase the defense skill first then try again :)