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Freezing trap #625

Open Crusaderz opened 6 years ago

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago

1) Placed FT (arathi basin, flat surface) and two seconds later warrior charged in it. FT disappears, nothing happened and nothing in combat log: image

Horde side so no grounding totem.

2) Warrior applied hamstring while being trapped for at least 2 seconds:


Bloodrage gives 1 rage per second, it proced twice before hamstring.

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

Maybe a FAP?

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago

FAP prevents root, slow or stun and does not prevent effects that make you lose control of your character's movement

From wowwiki article about FAP, 2006 revision.

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago

And again:


Crusaderz commented 6 years ago


It's not happening simultaneously. Warriors are 0.5-1 seconds trapped by the time they use abilities. On last picture warrior even did 180 degree turn while being trapped. Intercept -> trap -> hamstring dodge -> 180 degree turn in direction where i went.

Cabro commented 6 years ago

Did the warrior get trapped while charging to a different location than where the trap was? As in, was the trap in the path of its intercept/charge?

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago

I was one little step behind my trap every time so they charge right into it.

Cabro commented 6 years ago

Yea, charge/intercept scripts are bad af.

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago

I don't think it's a warrior related issue. Definitely something wrong with a trap.

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

Works fine in dev. Prob just latency issues.

Cabro commented 6 years ago

Shouldn't the server still send the events in the proper order? How can it trigger a hamstring after a trap?

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago

I don't think latency can mess combat log.

Tested FT with random warriors, told them to spam hamstring while they charge. They could get it off every time simultaneously with FT. But freezing trap is always comes first in combat log

I spent hours watching pvp videos, that's how traps work:

Freezing trap either works right away and even with hamstring spam warrior couldn't get it off:


or FT proc is delayed due server lag:

On light's hope trap proc instantly thanks to modern hardware. On retail in later expansions delay has gone too: hamstring spam does not help

Let's sum it up:

Warriors\druids can use skill if they spam it while they charge\intercept right into trap. It's not supposed to be that way.

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

All CC spells have a delay. This is intentional.

Cabro commented 6 years ago

Oooh this explains a few things. But why is it allowing stuff to trigger from the time it is detected until the delay is over? From those movies stuff doesn't trigger just as the warrior is trapped.

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago

This is not blizzlike. Two classes have unintended advantage vs hunter hiding behind freezing trap which can and will lead to hunter death in some cases.

3 videos from different vanilla patches shows that warriors can't get off hamstring even when they spam it. Light's hope warriors can do it with 100% success chance.

GuybrushGit commented 6 years ago

Spell delay is very well documented, including by Blizzard developers. The delay is random so sometimes Hamstring will go through and other times it won't. Traps are no exception, you even posted a retail video of hamstring going through.

Crusaderz commented 6 years ago


I know about CC delay. Rogues can sap each other, blinded mage & shipped rogue at the same time, etc..

But you forgot to take into account that FT is unique CC since it's only one CC in the game which handled by server.

Blue post described how delay used to be work before they changed it (06/16/2014):

I was wondering when this'd get brought up. I've hinted about this in the past in a couple interviews... Yes, there was a very significant underlying change here, that may have implications for theorycrafting (though minor).

I don't want to get too deep into the under-the-hood workings of WoW servers, but here's a super short version. Any action that one unit takes on another different unit used to be processed in batches every 400ms. Some very attentive people may have noticed that healing yourself would give you the health instantly (minus client/server latency), whereas healing another unit would incur a delay of between 0ms and 400ms (again, on top of client/server latency). Same with damaging, applying auras, interrupting, knocking back, etc.

There you go, this is random delay you talked about. Now please notice "unit versus unit delay" and "healing self instant".

Server does trapping so there is no unit vs unit interaction. It's rather server vs unit just like server giving you health when you heal yourself after successful checks like "enough mana", "not under CC or silence", etc. And it's instant.

This fact completely explains why warriors can't get hamstring off during charge as shown in 3 vanilla videos i linked above. In the video where hamstring going through, warrior also did white hit before FT proc and such huge delay might be due following reasons:

  1. Server lag due hardware limitations existed back then.
  2. Trap was slighlty futher, he did move forward after autoattack and hamstring and then FT proc.

Other video from different expansion (WOTLK) shows same trap behavior despite CC delay exist in other expansions as well.

I literally couldn't find video where warrior can get off hamstring during charge into trap (the one with huge delay does not count) and i watched many vanilla\tbc\wotlk videos since nothing has changed in freezing trap mechanic (they only allowed to use it in combat and added 2 seconds arm delay + shortened all CC durations) and CC delay still exists in those expansions as i said earlier.

Light's hope warriors can't do white damage when they charge, the trap proc is instant but hamstring always goes through in every test. And apparently it's not intended since FT shouldn't be affected by delay.


Wiseguy420 commented 6 years ago

fix plz :C