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Line of sight #721

Open Fuckenstain opened 6 years ago

Fuckenstain commented 6 years ago

Line out of sight should be fixed Examples: Warsong gulch Horde wall is non exsistant for spells like its never there Tank infornt of Ironforge Trees infront of Stormwind Warsong gulch Stams and trees

Gamemechanicwow commented 6 years ago


Most of the stuff still didn't break LoS last time i played retail.

Fuckenstain commented 6 years ago

When spell ends cast it should receive information of target position if out of sight cast is unsuccessful if insight spell will go off and land if not resisted or immune of course I played a hunter on retail even worked with multishot with its 0.5 cast I had 60 ms back then

Gamemechanicwow commented 6 years ago

When spell ends cast it should receive information of target position if out of sight cast is unsuccessful

Ye, but none of the examples you gave obstructs LoS in vanilla wow.

This has been discussed many times before...

Godmatik commented 6 years ago

Those objects did not cause LoS in Vanilla

Fuckenstain commented 6 years ago

They did you guys just don't remember they did on retail they even did at kronos

Gamemechanicwow commented 6 years ago

They did you guys just don't remember they did on retail they even did at kronos

But Kronos LoS wasn't blizzlike at all. Try reading this thread from their forum:

Gamemechanicwow commented 6 years ago

And one more;

I seen video with PvP fixes #1 and part with LoS check was wrong - outdoor objects like trees or warsong tree stomps and fence shouldn't block casting.

Terrain (that is, dirt and trees) only block Line of Sight indoors. All dirt and most trees do NOT block spells or abilities when fighting outdoors. Some whining topics:



8:54 - hunter attacking through tree stomp, 9:28 - hunter attacking through fence


5:04 - hunter attacking through tree stomp, 6:42 - hunter attacking through fence


2:25 - hunter attacking through tree


0:24, 0:37 - hunter attacking through fence


7:25 - Zachary polymorph through tree(also many other moments in this video and his others, but they are too long to count all of them, if some1 interested - can see themselfs)

I hope this will be helpfull to make blizzlike LoS check.

Like i said. This has been discussed many times, and the current LoS implementation is a near perfect replication of how it was during vanilla retail. If you for some reason still disagree, feel free to dig up some evidence. There is plenty of gameplay videos from late vanilla.

Gamemechanicwow commented 6 years ago

WSG LoS still being a problem in 2011

A discussion from the nostalrius forum: