LightsHope / issues

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Ornate Spyglass #746

Open bugbringer opened 5 years ago

bugbringer commented 5 years ago

This item is very useful... its not just a garbage gadget not worth fixing. It says "This Spell is not availabe to you".

Yeah, you can spy distance with this to see Alliance gankers.

Godmatik commented 5 years ago

On Lightbringer, this item was disabled because it was causing crashes or major issues. Same with target dummies as well.

But agreed that a fix is overdue, it has been many months now....

Cabro commented 5 years ago

I've seen lots of players use the far sight effect of this item on LB.

Godmatik commented 5 years ago

Perhaps I'm thinking of another engineering item then, I know there are a few that are intentionally disabled.

Cabro commented 5 years ago

Or it could be shaman's far view? They both have the same animation afaik

robmonte commented 5 years ago

Seriously? I just made this hoping to utilize it and it is just disabled because they haven't fixed it? It seems like this server has had some serious regression compared to Darrowshire, I've encountered bugs in the last few weeks that I never faced before when I played on Darrowshire. Warrior charge issues, mobs falling through the ground and passing through walls, enemies hitting you 3-4 times in a single swing, etc. Wtf did they do to the server?

Edit: Oh and how could I forget when somehow an enemy Rogue forced me into pvp in Durotar. I was unflagged, standing still, didn't even have my hands on my mouse or keyboard. I just had him targeted and him me, but he kept walking up to me and circling me so I was watching because his actions seemed odd... after about 15 seconds I was suddenly able to be attacked by him and got 1-shot.