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Low dps #783

Open shadomaw opened 5 years ago

shadomaw commented 5 years ago

Patch 1.3, pg name Alyseia As a dps shaman lvl 28 i did 150 dmg per hit since the day before yesterday, then I started doin’ 85 dmg per hit with same weapon and buffs. Character info says I have 135 melee power and 112-134 damage. GM in game told me they can’t help me

Godmatik commented 5 years ago

You gotta provide some more details and proof mate, else the Devs won't have much to go on.

Also, the patch we are on is 1.3

shadomaw commented 5 years ago

Proofs and details like? I don’t know what I should check, I’m a bit confused about all this thing that’s going on