LightwheelAI / street-gaussians-ns

Unofficial implementation of "Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes"
Apache License 2.0
199 stars 18 forks source link

Which waymo dataset should i download. Can you share dataset format? #2

Closed geyikciomer closed 1 month ago

LightwheelAI commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your issue, we use waymo percetion v1.4.0 to test our model, you can download the dataset here and we update our readme to detail the dataset format as follow

clip root
  |-- images
  |     |-- ${cam0 name}
  |     |   |-- t0.jpg/png
  |     |   |-- t1.jpg/png
  |     |   |-- ...
  |     |
  |     |-- ${cam1 name}
  |     |-- ...
  |-- lidars
  |     |-- ${lidar0 name}
  |     |   |-- t0.pcd
  |     |   |-- t1.pcd
  |     |   |-- ...
  |     |
  |     |-- ${lidar1 name}
  |     |-- ...
  |-- transform.json
  |-- annotation.json
geyikciomer commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your work. We have three cameras on front and one lidar, do you think this repo fits our data?

LightwheelAI commented 1 month ago

We have fitten 6 cameras in our dataparser, it can be helpful to change the --filter_camera_id to use other cameras referring to scripts/shells/ best