LightwheelAI / street-gaussians-ns

Unofficial implementation of "Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes"
Apache License 2.0
199 stars 18 forks source link

How about the new view synthesis performance? #5

Closed zjcs closed 1 month ago

zjcs commented 1 month ago

As mention in previouse works, 3DGS tend to overfit the training view while fail the new view synthesis. How about street-gaussians in the NVS, such as 2m translation or 45 rotation? Is there many holes and floaters?

LightwheelAI commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your issue. In our experiments, the nvs results of rotating at a certain angle was acceptable, but the lane lines would be terrible after translation. Excitingly this has been resolved in our follow-up work! best

zjcs commented 1 month ago

I am interested to how you resolve this issuse. In my view, it seems to be a geometry issuse. If possible, can you share some details about that. Otherwise, do you have any plan to write papers or open the code?

LightwheelAI commented 1 month ago

We're very sorry, but this method is still an ongoing project, and more information will follow, so feel free to follow our progress! best