LilahMcC / NarwhalHR

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Pivoting acceleration #6

Open FlukeAndFeather opened 2 years ago

FlukeAndFeather commented 2 years ago

Try pivoting the acceleration data into long format and plotting all three axes together. The tidyr documentation is your reference here. You want to go from:

datetime acc_x acc_y acc_z
t1 ax1 ay1 az1
t2 ax2 ay2 az2
t3 ax3 ay3 az3


datetime axis acc
t1 x ax1
t1 y ay1
t1 z az1
t2 x ax2
t2 y ay2
t2 z az2
t3 x ax3
t3 y ay3
t3 z az3

Then, in your call to ggplot(), make acc your "y" aesthetic and axis your "color" aesthetic.