Lileep / PixelmonDetector

A safe, efficient, lightweight and server owner friendly high version Pixel Radar
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Adding Filter by Nature, and Growth #1

Closed DreamerAI closed 1 year ago

DreamerAI commented 1 year ago

Perfect working detector, but sadly, there is no enough filter for full gameplay. It'd be great if you add some functions like filter Nature,Growth e.t.c

Lileep commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for replying! Unfortunately, critical details like abilities, ivs, natures and growths are hidden in net packets by Pixelmon in recent versions, for security data transmission. This operation keeps clients away from server data unless using packets to access.

In a word,

That's the reason why some previous radar modder also avoid to add ivs, natures and growths filters after Pixelmon 7.x, so those filters might NEVER be added in future. However, you can just open allowRightClickInfo in config file, write the pokemons in the filter blank, then right click pokemons u wish to track with empty hands to expose their info like how Ras's lens do, this function can provide u all critical details of pokemons.

Lileep commented 1 year ago

Additionally, the filters u mentioned can work only in client, so if u wish to use those filters only in client, then I can try to create a client-oriented detector to add those filters and even more functions that rely on network packets like Pokedex filling tracking for u. :)

DreamerAI commented 1 year ago

I got it. Thanks for your answers. It was really interesting to know. Unfortunately, allowRightClickInfo don't work on servers.

You made really great job!

Lileep commented 1 year ago

I got it. Thanks for your answers. It was really interesting to know. Unfortunately, allowRightClickInfo don't work on servers.

You made really great job!

Ok, np. :)

That config is a bit harmful to servers, so I chose to make it depend on server config.

Have fun playing!