Lileep / PixelmonDetector

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Legendaries not marked #18

Closed loweluis closed 10 months ago

loweluis commented 11 months ago

Some legendaries are not marked and they also don't have lines pointing to them. Any fixes?

Lileep commented 11 months ago

Hi there, thx for ur reply!

I noticed that new paradox legendaries like Walking Wake and Iron Leaves were not considered as legendaries in game. U may found that Walking Wake and Iron Leaves spawn as normal pokemons instead of legendaries in latest reforged (9.1.7), that's the main reason. It's mainly caused by reforged itself, those 2 haven't been added to legendary list yet. Detector use the legendary list provided by reforged, so it doesn't consider them as legendaries, either.

I recommend u to wait for the updating of reforged. Once they add those 2 to legendary list, the Detector would work well again. Manually adding them to Detector legendary list is kinda...redundant, since I may need to remove them after they are added to the reforged legendary list in future versions. So for now, u can use the search function as an alternative.

loweluis commented 10 months ago

Im sorry for the late reply but I'm not talking about the new paradox legendaries, legendaries like shaymin, marshadow and others are not recognized and it doesn't mark them. I didn't change anything with the configs. The photo attached is just an example of marshadow, deoxys, manaphy, magearna not being recognized, I have seen them spawn in the wild before and they didn't have any markers so I made a random legendary spawner to see which ones are not marked. image image image

loweluis commented 10 months ago

image More photos of them not getting marked

Lileep commented 10 months ago

image More photos of them not getting marked

Confirmed. I just noticed that reforged don't consider mythical pokemons like Mew and Marshadow as normal legendaries(LOL), I should add them separately. Thx for ur report!

Lileep commented 10 months ago

Solve. Try 1.3! XD