Lileep / PixelmonDetector

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searching for abilities doinst work in 1.16.5 #23

Closed michelangelo02 closed 3 months ago

michelangelo02 commented 3 months ago

hello it doinst work when searching for abilities, idunno if its just me but when i search after a specifik ability it wont show even if i spawned the poke with the specifik ability i need /pokespawn gible ability:RoughSkin it doinst show when i do the following ab:RoughSkin and i have tried a:roughskin, abl:roughskin and even tried with other abilities such as trace and even steamengine the example you chose.

Lileep commented 3 months ago

Hi, thx for ur reply! Ability searching works only when the allowPokemonKeyInfo config is set to true due to the information transmitting consideration (Reasons in details can be found in Issue 1). See here to get more info about the usage. Feel free to reply if u have any other doubts :)

Lileep commented 3 months ago

So it's been about 3 weeks, how's this issue going? If there's no other problem, I'll close this issue

Lileep commented 3 months ago

It’s been a month and I'd close it. If there're any questions, pls ask again