Lileep / PixelmonDetector

A safe, efficient, lightweight and server owner friendly high version Pixel Radar
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Allowing for multiple form and growth selections #5

Closed Magicperson1 closed 1 year ago

Magicperson1 commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if you could filter for multiple form and growth options. Like I could filter for both pygmy and huge pokemon.

Lileep commented 1 year ago

Currently I don't have good ideas about applying multiple options. Maybe I can make some checkboxs for all filters.

Moreover, if u have ideas about implementing this function, then temporarily I can send u the code first and u can edit for this new feature. For issues about publishing this mod, view my reply in that issue, ty.

Magicperson1 commented 1 year ago

I would love to take a shot at it, feel free to send me the code

Lileep commented 1 year ago

I would love to take a shot at it, feel free to send me the code

Glad that u're willing to help :) I'm not familiar with sending files in github, so I'll upload it to dropbox.

If it's not convenient for u, u can tell me ur email here and I'll send u one via email. Thx!

Inside the code there's a libs folder, u'll need to put a Pixelmon universal jar in it first(9.1.2 by default, can be changed to 9.1.3 or other versions in build.gradle file, it's kinda large so I didn't upload it), then load or reload the build.gradle to apply the change, otherwise Pixelmon mod won't be applied.

The code is kinda dirty ^^, since I refered many previous works, I developed this mod based on the idea of pragmatism instead of building a good project structure. XD

Magicperson1 commented 1 year ago

Received, feel free to delete the link

Lileep commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 1.2