Lileep / PixelmonDetector

A safe, efficient, lightweight and server owner friendly high version Pixel Radar
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allowRightClickInfo doesn't work #6

Closed DarkVillager closed 1 year ago

DarkVillager commented 1 year ago

I changed the config to allow me to right click for info. But it doesn't work.



    #Whether to allow Pixelmon Detector
    allowDetector = true
    #Whether to allow right click to show Pokemon details like how Ras's lens do when hands are empty
    allowRightClickInfo = true
Lileep commented 1 year ago

Thx for ur reply! Maybe u're in the following 2 situations when the function doesn't work:

  1. U probably didn't keep ur server/client closed when editing this config. The game should be closed at first, then u can set the config and start the game to let it work, 'cause the config of this mod doesn't support dynamic reload for now.
  2. U're playing a server and the server neither set the allowRightClickInfo to true nor install Pixelmon Detector. See config description part if u're in this situation.

If u're not in the above 2 situations, pls reply again and describe ur process of producing this issue, thx!

DarkVillager commented 1 year ago
  1. U're playing a server and the server neither set the allowRightClickInfo to true nor install Pixelmon Detector. See config description part if u're in this situation.

Oops must have missed that part.