LilianHollard / LeYOLO

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
165 stars 29 forks source link

requirement.txt #15

Open Steafan-Xiong opened 3 months ago

Steafan-Xiong commented 3 months ago

Could you please upload the requirements.txt?Thank you!

Pbatch commented 2 months ago

You can find them in pyproject.toml (see below)

To install the base dependencies run

pip install .

For the optional dependencies you can install them by providing the name in brackets.


pip install .[dev]
# Required dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dependencies = [
    "tqdm>=4.64.0", # progress bars
    "psutil", # system utilization
    "py-cpuinfo", # display CPU info
    "thop>=0.1.1", # FLOPs computation
    "seaborn>=0.11.0", # plotting

# Optional dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dev = [
    "mkdocs-jupyter", # for notebooks
    "mkdocs-redirects", # for 301 redirects
    "mkdocs-ultralytics-plugin>=0.0.38", # for meta descriptions and images, dates and authors
export = [
    "onnx>=1.12.0", # ONNX export
    "coremltools>=7.0; platform_system != 'Windows'", # CoreML only supported on macOS and Linux
    "openvino-dev>=2023.0", # OpenVINO export
    "tensorflow<=2.13.1", # TF bug
    "tensorflowjs>=3.9.0", # TF.js export, automatically installs tensorflow
explorer = [
    "lancedb", # vector search
    "duckdb", # SQL queries, supports lancedb tables
    "streamlit", # visualizing with GUI
# tensorflow>=2.4.1,<=2.13.1  # TF exports (-cpu, -aarch64, -macos)
# tflite-support  # for TFLite model metadata
# scikit-learn==0.19.2  # CoreML quantization
# nvidia-pyindex  # TensorRT export
# nvidia-tensorrt  # TensorRT export
logging = [
    "comet", #
extra = [
    "hub-sdk>=0.0.2", # Ultralytics HUB
    "ipython", # interactive notebook
    "albumentations>=1.0.3", # training augmentations
    "pycocotools>=2.0.6", # COCO mAP