Lillecarl / mangos-tbc

C(ontinued)-MaNGOS is about: -- Doing WoW-Emulation Right!
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Test notifico #2

Closed Lillecarl closed 9 years ago

Lillecarl commented 9 years ago

Testing a lot is cool

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

yes yes it is

Lillecarl commented 9 years ago

Wth, how did you find my issue tracker this fast xD?

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

i was looking at dashboard and popped up lol

Lillecarl commented 9 years ago

Well now i know notifico works at least!

[mangos-tbc] Lillecarl opened issue #2: Test notifico - [mangos-tbc] Lillecarl assigned issue #2: Test notifico - [mangos-tbc] Lillecarl labeled issue #2: Test notifico - [mangos-tbc] Infinity-420 commented on issue #2: Test notifico - [mangos-tbc] Lillecarl commented on issue #2: Test notifico - [mangos-tbc] Infinity-420 commented on issue #2: Test notifico - Also flattering to see you follow me, haha! :)
FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

i like some of your work and only a few of us left that actually dev and use mangos style , instead of jumping over to trinity

Lillecarl commented 9 years ago

I feel that i would jump on the trinitycore wagon if i was doing 3.3.5, it's just that much difference. But luckily i'm not, i use 2.4.3 and i love working with it! Sadly my computer is broken so can't do any development atm :(

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

i was wondering why u havent been doing much lately, ive honestly though about going to trinity to but there soooo much B.S. to complie , soo many hacks and ect . they do have some talented coders . shoot i remember when half their coders where with mangos and decided to break away to start trinity, and that repo look promising but i just think mangos need to focus on gameplay before other stuff i mean come on DK ghoul has never worked and how manys yrs has it been. ? plus they have lost alot of people

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

why do u do 2.4.3 anyways honestly i like 3.3.5 and dont really like the later clients

Lillecarl commented 9 years ago

Well the reason i do 2.4.3 is because:

When i think 3.3.5 i think competetive arenas only, for 2.4.3 i think more community along with doing arenas and battlegrounds and just having fun)

Also, developing on trinitycore is a bit quirky, considering the huge project size.

Btw come to #lillecarl on rizon? :smile: