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which lib #13

Closed skyladle closed 5 years ago

skyladle commented 6 years ago

which lib for this sample code ? thx :D

donpdonp commented 5 years ago

I had the same problem. After trying a few, I can say using the two following libraries works on my ttgo v2.0:

"Lora" by Sandeep Mistry "SSD1306" by Alexey Dynda

LilyGO commented 5 years ago

LilyGO commented 5 years ago

apiel commented 5 years ago

The screen is not working even with :-/ Please could you update your readme and have the details step to setup the examples firmware.

apiel commented 5 years ago

ok it work with:

SSD1306 display(0x3c, 4, 15);

Why not to merge the pull request?