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Wrong pin layout? #17

Open rNoz opened 5 years ago

rNoz commented 5 years ago


Maybe you can help me with the pin layout.

a) In your code (Receiver, Sender) the PIN 14 is used for the LORA RESET, and you said it is GPIO14. Then, I go to the schematics (pin layout) and I see the PIN 12 is LoRa_RST, not the PIN 14. What is wrong here?

b) Why If I do pinMode(12, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(12, HIGH); and I connect a resistor + led in that pin (the other side to the GND) and it doesn't light? If I do the same but with the pin 14 it works.


hamishfagg commented 4 years ago

Pin 14 is the rest. I'm also fairly sure the SCK and SDA pins for the oled are reversed in the pin layout picture too.

There are only so many pins.. How do you label so many of them wrong.