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Inconsistent pinout TTGO LoRa T3-S3 #37

Open BadCactus634 opened 2 months ago

BadCactus634 commented 2 months ago

Hi, I'm trying to attach a BME280 sensor to my Lilygo TTGO LoRa T3-S3 that I just bought, but the pinout on the site is not correct. H594-PIN-DIAGRAM_600x600 As you can see, the pins of the I2C bus (SDA, SCL) are documented as pin 18 and 17, but these pins doesn't exist on the pinout.... where should I connect my I2C sensor?

Grey-Lancaster commented 1 month ago

17 and 18 are used for the oled. You can use other pins,need%20to%20change%20the%20pins.