Hello I am trying to incorporate a RockBlock 9603 to the TTGo. In order to talk to each other it needs a serial connection. I was wondering how could I use one of the TTGO serial connections to talk to the Rockblock via UART. https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/6/d/4/c/a/RockBLOCK-9603-Developers-Guide_1.pdf you can see the pinout in that diagram of what it needs.
Hello I am trying to incorporate a RockBlock 9603 to the TTGo. In order to talk to each other it needs a serial connection. I was wondering how could I use one of the TTGO serial connections to talk to the Rockblock via UART. https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/6/d/4/c/a/RockBLOCK-9603-Developers-Guide_1.pdf you can see the pinout in that diagram of what it needs.