LilyGO / TTGO-T5-ePaper1.54

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TTGO T5 V2.0 2.13" SCREEN ISSUE #11

Open bluegizmo83 opened 4 years ago

bluegizmo83 commented 4 years ago

EDIT: Nevermind, there was nothing wrong with my code. For whatever reason, all I had to do was unplug power from the board and then plug it back in, then everything worked as it should! I'm leaving this issue here in case anyone else has this issue. It can be marked as solved though.

I need some help here. I've sort of got this screen working with the GxEPD library, but for some reason anything printed to the epaper display is super hard to see, its just barely visible. Here is my code:

// GxEPD_MinimumExample by Jean-Marc Zingg

#include <GxEPD.h>

// select the display class to use, only one, copy from GxEPD_Example
#include <GxGDE0213B1/GxGDE0213B1.h>      // 2.13" b/w

#include <GxIO/GxIO_SPI/GxIO_SPI.h>
#include <GxIO/GxIO.h>

GxIO_Class io(SPI, /*CS=5*/ SS, /*DC=*/ 17, /*RST=*/ 16); // arbitrary selection of 17, 16
GxEPD_Class display(io, /*RST=*/ 16, /*BUSY=*/ 4); // arbitrary selection of (16), 4

void setup()
  // comment out next line to have no or minimal Adafruit_GFX code
  display.drawPaged(drawHelloWorld); // version for AVR using paged drawing, works also on other processors

void drawHelloWorld()
  display.print("Hello World!");

void loop() {};