LilyGO / TTGO-T5-ePaper1.54

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Black screen and strange display #12

Open randoum opened 1 year ago

randoum commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I have no idea what I'm doing, I never work with electronic projects before, and I'm a total noob. Please bear with me.

I'm building a variometer (that thing telling you if you climb or descend) to fly my paraglider. There is this open source project that I'm following. Here is the code I used to upload into the board (the libraries are in the parent directory).

The upload works well, but the screen display is not normal: lots of black pixels where they are supposed to be white, and later half the screen has a black background while the other half has a white background, and the refresh rate is very slow. It does not behave as expected.

I know the code to be working correctly on other variometers.

This is the board I'm using

For testing, I've uploaded this to check if the screen works well, and it works as expected without any of the weird behaviors described above.

I naively thought I just have to compare things between the _GxEPDExample and Gnuvario-E codes and find out how to fix the issue, but after countless hours trying to compare files I could not find anything relevant. To be honest I don't even know what I'm looking for.

So if someone could have a look, it could be obvious for you (I hope) and I'd greatly appreciate any pointers.
