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Example Code - WM8978 Arduino playing Icecast streams. #12

Open NonaSuomy opened 3 years ago

NonaSuomy commented 3 years ago

This is a quick example for people like me that were looking for audio sample code.

*Updated 2021

Debug Settings

To see the serial output in the Arduino IDE enable the logging level to Info or higher. Tools -> Core Debug Level -> Info. Now open the Serial Monitor.

Other settings

Board: ESP32 DEV Module Upload Speed: 921600 CPU Frequency: 240MHz (WiFi/BT) Flash Frequency: 80MHz Flash Mode: DIO Flash Size: 4MB (32Mb) Partition Scheme: Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS) Core Debug Level: Info PSRAM: Enabled Port: Pick your devices serial port that shows up.


// Required Libraries (Download zips and add to the Arduino IDE library).
#include <WM8978.h> //
#include <Audio.h>  //

// T-Audio 1.6 WM8978 I2C pins.
#define I2C_SDA     19
#define I2C_SCL     18

// T-Audio 1.6 WM8978 I2S pins.
#define I2S_BCK     33
#define I2S_WS      25
#define I2S_DOUT    26
#define I2S_DIN     27

// T-Audio 1.6 WM8978 MCLK gpio number?
#define I2S_MCLKPIN  0

Audio audio;
WM8978 dac;

void setup() {
  // Setup wm8978 I2C interface.
  if (!dac.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL)) {
    ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error setting up dac: System halted.");
    while (1) delay(100);

  // Select I2S pins
  audio.setPinout(I2S_BCK, I2S_WS, I2S_DOUT);

  // WiFi Settings here.
  WiFi.begin("EnterSSIDHere", "EnterPasswordHere");
  while (!WiFi.isConnected()) {
  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connected. Starting MP3...");
  // Enter your Icecast station URL here.
  // Volume control.
  dac.setSPKvol(40); // Change volume here for board speaker output (Max 63).
  dac.setHPvol(52, 52); // Change volume here for headphone jack left, right channel.

void loop() {
  // Start the stream.
arifshanji commented 3 years ago

Thanks @NonaSuomy

Updated example because the ESP32-audioI2S library has been updated.

// Required Libraries (Download zips and add to the Arduino IDE library).
#include <WM8978.h> //
#include <Audio.h>  //

// T-Audio 1.6 WM8978 I2C pins.
#define I2C_SDA     19
#define I2C_SCL     18

// T-Audio 1.6 WM8978 I2S pins.
#define I2S_BCK     33
#define I2S_WS      25
#define I2S_DOUT    26
#define I2S_DIN     27

// T-Audio 1.6 WM8978 MCLK gpio number?
#define I2S_MCLKPIN  0

Audio audio;
WM8978 dac;

void setup() {

  // Setup wm8978 I2C interface.
  if (!dac.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL)) {
    ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error setting up dac: System halted.");
    while (1) delay(100);

  // Select I2S pins
  audio.setPinout(I2S_BCK, I2S_WS, I2S_DOUT);

  // WiFi Settings here.
  WiFi.begin("EnterSSIDHere", "EnterPasswordHere");
  while (!WiFi.isConnected()) {
  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connected. Starting MP3...");
  // Enter your Icecast station URL here.
  // Volume control.
  dac.setSPKvol(40); // Change volume here for board speaker output (Max 63).
  dac.setHPvol(52, 52); // Change volume here for headphone jack left, right channel.

void loop() {
  // Start the stream.
NonaSuomy commented 3 years ago

You're welcome and thanks for the update. If you build something cool let me know.