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Update run-a-node instructions #40

Open richardbremner opened 5 days ago

richardbremner commented 5 days ago

I went through the setup instructions and noted a couple of important omissions.

  1. There is no step to enable the bacalhau and lilypad-resource-provider services. This means they wont be running after a logout/reboot.
  2. Bacalhau requires ipfs to be installed and "ipfs init" to have been run, otherwise the service doesn't start and exits, but this step seems to be missing from the instructions export IPFS_PATH=/app/data/ipfs ipfs init

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richardbremner commented 4 days ago

Another thing I noticed with the setup instructions is that they guide the user to install docker, but then docker doesn't seem to be used for anything, the instructions proceed to setup systectl services instead of docker services.