Every time I run the eval.py file i get the error:
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/shapely/set_operations.py:133: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in intersection
return lib.intersection(a, b, **kwargs)
I know it is related with the skewiou function in map.py and that the problem has to do with shapely.geometry.Polygon but I don´t know why this happens exactly and how to solve it.
Every time I run the eval.py file i get the error: /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/shapely/set_operations.py:133: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in intersection return lib.intersection(a, b, **kwargs)
I know it is related with the skewiou function in map.py and that the problem has to do with shapely.geometry.Polygon but I don´t know why this happens exactly and how to solve it.
Can anybody help me please?