LimeDrive / stream-fusion

Addon Stremio optimisé pour le streaming francophone. Intègre indexeurs torrents, services debrid et fonctionnalités avancées pour une expérience de streaming fluide.
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link

[Feature]Can add pikpak and docker compose installation? #1

Open ericvlog opened 2 months ago

ericvlog commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. request add pikpak and compose installed. Now only seen mediafusion have pikpak, hope you can include it.

here is pikpak api


LimeDrive commented 2 months ago


Projet still WIP.

Compose, docker images, ci and install instructions will come at the first beta release that is not yet ready.

I'm gonna check for PikPakApi. Do you know if there are any docs for it somewhere ?

ericvlog commented 2 months ago

hello, really sorry it does no provide any docs on api, I just know mediafusion addons using this for pikpak api.

ericvlog commented 3 weeks ago

hello, I selfthosted stream-fusion using docker compose, at the enviroment SECRET_API_KEY: 123456

the zilean and nginx proxy manager all setting well, but at stream-fusion configuration page,

Api-Key Settings Enter your API key information here. I insert 123456

when click install it appears : APIKEY doit être un UUID v4 valide

Okay need online generate UUID v4

ericvlog commented 3 weeks ago

After all and finish configuration pages and install on stremio when I browse movie the addons won't show up. below is log files.

2024-08-23T12:16:09.976495+0800 INFO get_results Stream request: movie - tt1431045.json
2024-08-23T12:16:09.978741+0800 DEBUG get_results Parsed configuration: {'addonHost': '', 'apiKey': '30c97a3b-561d-4a8c-84ac-cfaxxxxfa79f', 'service': 'Real-Debrid', 'debridKey': {'client_id': 'TIRXB2LxxxBOQ', 'client_secret': 'bcd7aefd0568bccc2525b4c1xxxfedc04feab449', 'access_token': 'SY5TMTCOBLYQMDZYZRPYJQXPNLWN22Q6SA66GAHZ3RxxxxxxxFA', 'refresh_token': 'Z6G6DWV2VBW4TQW4WS377DWTK2W6O2FYHMJRERGUVFS64QRN7xxx'}, 'sharewoodPasskey': '', 'maxSize': 200, 'exclusionKeywords': [], 'languages': ['en', 'fr', 'multi'], 'sort': 'sizedesc', 'resultsPerQuality': 10, 'maxResults': 100, 'minCachedResults': 10, 'exclusion': ['cam'], 'cacheUrl': '', 'jackett': True, 'cache': True, 'zilean': True, 'yggflix': True, 'sharewood': False, 'yggPasskey': 'Zy13LkaPpuuuuQIzL9h3VvigMXAKX92T', 'torrenting': True, 'debrid': True, 'metadataProvider': 'tmdb', 'anonymizeMagnets': False}
2024-08-23T12:16:09.984591+0800 INFO send - "GET 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%3D/stream/movie/tt1431045.json HTTP/1.1" 403

but it no even show the addons result on movies pages. Thanks regard.

LimeDrive commented 3 weeks ago

Go to https://your.domain/api/admin . Use your secrets key to log in the admin panel Create an apikey for your user and configure the plugin with this apikey.

Be award that Stream-fusion is optimized for French contents.

ericvlog commented 3 weeks ago

I used my secret api key from docker compose it generate using, but i cannot get into the admin pages.

image image image


LimeDrive commented 3 weeks ago

Since you use https, you need to pass the env : USE_HTTPS: True in your compose.

ericvlog commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your help! it working now.


ericvlog commented 2 weeks ago

I already have zilean selfhosted with other docker compose how do i add to stream-fusion now I just add


Both return with error.

2024-08-24T10:50:45.224734+0800 ERROR __make_movie_request An exception occurred while searching for movie 'La Captive' on Zilean: No connection adapters were found for ''
File "/app/stream_fusion/utils/zilean/", line 87, in __make_movie_request
    85   def __make_movie_request(self, query_text: str) -> List[ExtractedDmmEntry]:
    86       try:
--> 87           return self.zilean_api.dmm_search(DmmQueryRequest(queryText=query_text))
    88       except Exception as e:
     self = <stream_fusion.utils.zilean.zilean_service.ZileanService obj
             ect at 0x7fa04cb6d0>
     query_text = 'La Captive'
     self.zilean_api.dmm_search = <method 'ZileanAPI.dmm_search' of <stream_fusion.utils.zilea
                                   n.zilean_api.ZileanAPI object at 0x7fa2a22590>
     e = InvalidSchema("No connection adapters were found for '192.16

On other addon, stremio comet I just add - ZILEAN_URL= it have return result.

LimeDrive commented 2 weeks ago


Be careful of typos in the URL. Monosnap  Feature Can add pikpak and docker compose installation? · Issue #1 · LimeDrive:stream-fusion 2024-08-24 06-36-49

ericvlog commented 2 weeks ago


Be careful of typos in the URL. Monosnap Feature Can add pikpak and docker compose installation? · Issue #1 · LimeDrive:stream-fusion 2024-08-24 06-36-49

after i change it still same 2024-08-24T16:10:00.739401+0800 ERROR _request Erreur lors de la requête API : No connection adapters were found for '' 2024-08-24T16:10:00.748801+0800 ERROR _request Erreur lors de la requête API : No connection adapters were found for '' 2024-08-24T16:10:00.753364+0800 ERROR make_movie_request An exception occurred while searching for movie 'Le temps d’aimer' on Zilean: No connection adapters were found for '' File "/app/stream_fusion/utils/zilean/", line 87, in make_movie_request 85 def __make_movie_request(self, query_text: str) -> List[ExtractedDmmEntry]: 86 try: --> 87 return self.zilean_api.dmm_search(DmmQueryRequest(queryText=query_text)) 88 except Exception as e: .................................................. self = <stream_fusion.utils.zilean.zilean_service.ZileanService obj ect at 0x7f7afa49d0> query_text = 'Le temps d’aimer' self.zilean_api.dmm_search = <method 'ZileanAPI.dmm_search' of <stream_fusion.utils.zilea n.zilean_api.ZileanAPI object at 0x7f7bc20410> :108> e = InvalidSchema("No connection adapters were found for '192.16 8.1.13:8181/dmm/search'") ..................................................

ericvlog commented 2 weeks ago

my docker compose of zilean :

version: '3'


    image: ipromknight/zilean:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: zilean
    tty: true
      - "8181:8181"
      - /mnt/hd/zilean/zilean_data:/app/data
      Zilean__Database__ConnectionString: "Host=postgres;Port=5432;Database=zilean;Username=postgres;Password=postgres"
      Zilean__Dmm__ImportBatched: "true"
      # Zilean__Dmm__MaxFilteredResults: 200
      # Zilean__Dmm__MinimumScoreMatch: 0.85
      test: curl --connect-timeout 10 --silent --show-error --fail http://localhost:8181/healthchecks/ping
      timeout: 60s
      interval: 30s
      retries: 10
        condition: service_healthy

    image: postgres:16.3-alpine3.20
    container_name: postgres
    restart: unless-stopped
      PGDATA: /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
      POSTGRES_DB: zilean
      - "5432:5432"
      - /mnt/hd/zilean/pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
      test: [ "CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres" ]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 5
ericvlog commented 2 weeks ago

After I change ZILEAN_URL:

2024-08-24T16:21:22.156436+0800 ERROR __make_movie_request An exception occurred while searching for movie 'Le lyceen' on Zilean: 5 validation errors for ExtractedDmmEntry
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'info_hash': '': None, 'imdb': None}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'info_hash': '': None, 'imdb': None}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'info_hash': '': None, 'imdb': None}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit
  Input should be a valid string [type=string_type, input_value=['1080p'], input_type=list]
    For further information visit
  Input should be a valid string [type=string_type, input_value=['H.264'], input_type=list]
    For further information visit
File "/app/stream_fusion/utils/zilean/", line 87, in __make_movie_request
    85   def __make_movie_request(self, query_text: str) -> List[ExtractedDmmEntry]:
    86       try:
--> 87           return self.zilean_api.dmm_search(DmmQueryRequest(queryText=query_text))
    88       except Exception as e:
     self = <stream_fusion.utils.zilean.zilean_service.ZileanService obj
             ect at 0x7f83ccae50>
     query_text = 'Le lyceen'
     self.zilean_api.dmm_search = <method 'ZileanAPI.dmm_search' of <stream_fusion.utils.zilea
                                   n.zilean_api.ZileanAPI object at 0x7f83e4a150>
     e = 5 validation errors for ExtractedDmmEntry
           Field required [type=missing, input_value={'info_hash': 'b
': None, 'imdb': None}, input_type=dict]
             For further information visit
           Field required [type=missing, input_value={'info_hash': 'b
': None, 'imdb': None}, input_type=dict]
             For further information visit
           Field required [type=missing, input_value={'inf...
LimeDrive commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, you must wait that I update the app to work with the new version of zilean. With the breaking change of Postgress, name of selector change as well.

I just finish this morning to sync the new test instance so it will be update by tonight after testing. Thanks

Meanwhile, you can use your zilean with this custom indexer in Jackett :

ericvlog commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, you must wait that I update the app to work with the new version of zilean. With the breaking change of Postgress, name of selector change as well.

I just finish this morning to sync the new test instance so it will be update by tonight after testing. Thanks

Meanwhile, you can use your zilean with this custom indexer in Jackett :

no rush, I just wait for your update ya..............then on my site just doing docker compose pull , after u update? need change anything ? thanks

ericvlog commented 2 weeks ago

bro, now it support click torrent add to debrid for downloading like torrentio?

I have enable torrenting, but it just normal play the link and no add to debrid services.

Because i find more good link with stream-fusion.

LimeDrive commented 2 weeks ago

You have three icons on Stream Fusion.

LimeDrive commented 2 weeks ago

By the way, I've updated the develop version of Stream Fusion. You can now update with a docker compose pull and docker compose up -d. You can now use the new version of Zilean. For now, based on my tests, the new version returns fewer results than the old one. This might just be an impression, though.

ericvlog commented 2 weeks ago

By the way, I've updated the develop version of Stream Fusion. You can now update with a docker compose pull and docker compose up -d. You can now use the new version of Zilean. For now, based on my tests, the new version returns fewer results than the old one. This might just be an impression, though.

hello, I already tested on develop version, it scrape dmm very well :tu