Open AndrewMacKay-base opened 4 years ago
I'm facing the same problem, this was working fine in 0.13, but upgrading to 0.15 broke it. I very much assume it's got something to do with this "fix":
I've helped myself for now to restore the "old" behavior by adding custom transformers in services.yml:
class: Limenius\Liform\Transformer\StringTransformer
parent: Limenius\Liform\Transformer\AbstractTransformer
- { name: liform.transformer, form_type: datetime, widget: datetime }
class: Limenius\Liform\Transformer\StringTransformer
parent: Limenius\Liform\Transformer\AbstractTransformer
- { name: liform.transformer, form_type: date, widget: date }
I'm uncertain whether the issue I'm experiencing is because my current version of Symfony 4.3.4 is unsupported by this bundle, or due to some specific implementation issue in our installation, or whether actually the bundle does not support all the different types included by Symfony.
The above pattern works as expected for TextType, and ChoiceType, but falls over for DateType with the error
"Could not find a transformer for any of these types (date, form) "
The documenation does not make it clear whether I should expect this functionality to exist. It suggests I will need to add custom work to include custom extension, however seems to imply that it should work out the box with a standard Symfony install.
I notice that DateType and EntityType do not seem to be in the list of available transformers here.
Am I correct then in my understanding that DateType which is a standard Symfony type is not supported?
Edit Also from here This overview seems to imply dates are supported ->add('dueTo', Type\DateTimeType::class, [ Using the DateTimeType we get a similar error Could not find a transformer for any of these types (datetime)