Limiana / DynamicBridgeStandalone

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enabling "Revert character before applying rule" breaks preset application in instances #21

Open xenabun opened 1 month ago

xenabun commented 1 month ago

with that setting on my presets dont get applied when i enter any instance (dungeon, trial, raid). the logs does say that it first reverts character and then applies glamourer preset but my character doesnt change

i compared logs of when presets apply when i enter the instance (character stays normal even tho logs say it did apply), and when i leave the instance (presets do apply and my character changes) - logs are completely the same

[Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Old rule: DynamicBridge.Configuration.ApplyRule, new rule: DynamicBridge.Configuration.ApplyRule | True | F:False [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Applying design (Default, 050ff548-aa19-48bd-9744-32a1f7e914e4) [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Starting to execute task: GlamourerReflector.SetAutomationGlobalState = false [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Task GlamourerReflector.SetAutomationGlobalState = false completed successfully [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Starting to execute task: Revert character [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Task Revert character completed successfully [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Starting to execute task: WaitUntilInteractable [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Task WaitUntilInteractable completed successfully [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Starting to execute task: ApplyToSelf((Default, 050ff548-aa19-48bd-9744-32a1f7e914e4)) [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Task ApplyToSelf((Default, 050ff548-aa19-48bd-9744-32a1f7e914e4)) completed successfully [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Starting to execute task: WaitUntilInteractable [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Task WaitUntilInteractable completed successfully [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:26 +04:00] Starting to execute task: <Enqueue>b__0 [Debug@24.05.2024 11:55:27 +04:00] Task <Enqueue>b__0 completed successfully