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Watermarking/tagging graphics? #3

Open tslawecki opened 3 years ago

tslawecki commented 3 years ago

Is there something subtle we can do to make our graphics less easily copied by unscrupulous actors? This sounds far-fetched even as I write it, but do we want to incorporate watermarks, checksums, logos, or other elements TBD that make it easy to demonstrate that a copy of our graphic is ours, or that changes have been made?

padilla410 commented 3 years ago

I would argue that water marking plot themes is antithetical to the ggplot ethos, an open source plotting package.

benjamincrary commented 3 years ago

Depending on the work product, it could make sense. Maybe a faded greytone version of our logo somewhere. I don't think this would be a ggplot theme element, however.

Not to silo things too greatly, but it might make more sense to think about watermarks as a workflow element as opposed to part of a theme ('theme' used here in the context of modifying ggplot elements, of which watermarks is not one). I've seen some add-ons that begin to address this desire, perhaps those could be worked into a template/workflow.

padilla410 commented 3 years ago

I think adding it to a workflow would be good.

Here's an R-bloggers post that touches on it: link

The post is quite old, so I imagine the image handling capabilities have only gotten better.