LimoDerEchte / NoteCompanion

App for complementing android note taking apps
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Would you consider AsciiMath? #1

Open GrimPixel opened 3 months ago

GrimPixel commented 3 months ago

It is a simpler way to write math notations.

LimoDerEchte commented 3 months ago

Hi, so this is a rather complicated thing... While it would technically be possible to implement, I'd have to rewrite the lib and it's dependencies entirely in Java, because they are currently written in JavaScript, and also they wouldn't do the same easy alignment stuff that I have rn. But I'm working on my own additions to LaTeX that'll get implemented in this editor in the future. I mean this entire app was made over a weekend and obviously isn't great as I'm just a 16 years old highschool student that does this in his free time for free and also the first android app by me that doesn't look like complete garbage. Hope the current editor and the state it's heading too are enough for you tho! Again as I said I'm still implementing stuff on my own, so my own experience in school gets better and let me tell you typing {, } and \ on a German keyboard is complete hell. I hope this answer is detailed enough for you, but if you have any more suggestions please reopen this issue. (Except if you only have feature requests!! In that case please create a new issue) Have a nice day :D

LimoDerEchte commented 5 days ago

@GrimPixel I might look into this again. Maybe I'll port it over.