Closed Terencedu closed 10 months ago
Thank you for your reply! I would have a try.
@LinShan-Bin 你好,感谢你卓越的工作,在运行minidata数据时,我遇到了以下错误 KeyError: 'a593a62aa9b54234ae666f3006b4d9f5' 请问如何解决他
@Terencedu 你好,我在运行mini data时遇到FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/nuscenes/nuscenes_depth/samples/CAM_FRONT/n015-2018-07-24-11-22-45+0800__CAM_FRONT__1532402928112460.npy' 这一问题,请问您知道是什么原因导致吗,或许您能提供一下minidata的train,val.txt,以及对应的gt_depth吗
Hi, thanks for your great work!
Because of equipment limitations, I can only train with 8GB GPU (Nivdia 4060 laptop) and v1.0-mini dataset. Metrics are not important, just want to run on my own computer.
I changed some hyperparameters, generated train.txt and val.txt of v1.0-mini (the first and last frames of each scene are excluded). It seem to train successfully: input_channel: 64 -> 4 con_channel: 16 -> 1 encoder: 101 ->50 render_h: 180 ->45 render_w: 320 -> 80
Do you have some advice on training with v1.0-mini dataset?
I generate the train.txt, val.txt, and depth of v1.0mini dataset by tools/
Do I need to change ground truth occupancy labels in ./data/nuscenes/gts, 2D semantic labels in ./data/nuscenes/nuscenes_semantic and checkpoint in ./ckpts?