Linaqruf / sd-notebook-collection

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colab still disconnects even i am in colab pro now plz help(stack overflow: No module named 'pydantic._internal._std_types_schema') #76

Open andersenryu opened 1 year ago

andersenryu commented 1 year ago

stack overflow When i use this notebook colab pro just stops and stack overflow happens, and when i try to reinstall it, this happens. Does anybody know how to solve this stack overflow problem?

andersenryu commented 1 year ago

@title ## Custom Download Corner

import os import time from pydantic import BaseModel from colablib.utils.py_utils import get_filename from colablib.sd_models.downloader import aria2_download, download from colablib.utils.ubuntu_utils import unionfuse from colablib.utils.git_utils import clone_repo from colablib.colored_print import cprint, print_line from colablib.utils.config_utils import read_config

%store -r


@markdown ### Download from Custom URLs

@markdown - Use comma separation for multiple URLs, e.g. url1, url2, url3.

@markdown - To load Google Drive, use fuse: followed by path, e.g. fuse:/content/MyDrive/LoRA.

@markdown - Copy your model path from Google Drive to URL fields to copy your model to the web UI models directory.

custom_model_url = ",,,,,,," # @param {'type': 'string'} custom_vae_url = "" # @param {'type': 'string'} custom_embedding_url = "" # @param {'type': 'string'} custom_LoRA_url = ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," # @param {'type': 'string'} custom_hypernetwork_url = "" # @param {'type': 'string'} custom_extensions_url = "" # @param {'type': 'string'} custom_upscaler_url = "" # @param {'type': 'string'}

@markdown ###
NEW Download from Textfile

@markdown - Provide a custom download URL for a .txt file instead of using the URL field. Edit the file: /content/download_list.txt.

@markdown - Available hashtags: #model, #vae, #embedding, #lora, #hypernetwork, #extensions, #upscaler.

@markdown - Or you can input your .txt file in custom_download_list_url below. Works for pastebin.

custom_download_list_url = "" # @param {'type': 'string'}

class CustomDirs(BaseModel): url: str dst: str

custom_dirs = { "model" : CustomDirs(url=custom_model_url, dst=models_dir), "vae" : CustomDirs(url=custom_vae_url, dst=vaes_dir), "embedding" : CustomDirs(url=custom_embedding_url, dst=embeddings_dir), "lora" : CustomDirs(url=custom_LoRA_url, dst=lora_dir), "hypernetwork": CustomDirs(url=custom_hypernetwork_url, dst=hypernetworks_dir), "extensions" : CustomDirs(url=custom_extensions_url, dst=extensions_dir), "upscaler" : CustomDirs(url=custom_upscaler_url, dst=esrgan_dir) }

def fuse(url, key, dst): if "extensions" in key: cprint(f"Folder can't be fused, skipping...") return

path = url.split("fuse:")[1].strip()
category_dir = os.path.join(fused_dir, key)
if os.path.exists(category_dir):
    cprint(f"Folder '{category_dir}' is already fused, skipping...", color="yellow")

cprint(f"Fusing process started for PATH: '{path}'", color="green")
unionfuse(category_dir, path, dst)
cprint(f"Fusing process completed. Valid '{key}' folder located at: '{category_dir}' ", color="green")

def parse_urls(filename): content = read_config(filename) lines = content.strip().split('\n') result = {} key = '' for line in lines: if not line.strip(): continue if line.startswith('//'): continue if line.startswith('#'): key = line[1:].lower() result[key] = [] else: urls = [url.strip() for url in line.split(',') if url.strip() != ''] result[key].extend(urls) return result

def custom_download(custom_dirs): for key, value in custom_dirs.items(): urls = value.url.split(",") # Split the comma-separated URLs dst = value.dst

    if value.url:
        print_line(80, color="green")
        cprint(f" [-] Downloading Custom {key}...", color="flat_yellow")

    for url in urls:
        url = url.strip()  # Remove leading/trailing whitespaces from each URL
        if url != "":
            print_line(80, color="green")
            if "|" in url:
                url, filename = map(str.strip, url.split("|"))
                if not filename.endswith((".safetensors", ".ckpt", ".pt", "pth")):
                    filename = filename + os.path.splitext(get_filename(url))[1]
                if not url.startswith("fuse:"):
                    filename = get_filename(url)

            if url.startswith("fuse:"):
                fuse(url, key, dst)
            elif key == "extensions":
                clone_repo(url, cwd=dst)
                download(url=url, filename=filename, dst=dst, quiet=False)

def download_from_textfile(filename): for key, urls in parse_urls(filename).items(): key_lower = key.lower() if key_lower in custom_dirs: if custom_dirs[key_lower].url: custom_dirs[key_lower].url += ',' + ','.join(urls) else: custom_dirs[key_lower].url = ','.join(urls) else: cprint(f"Warning: Category '{key}' from the file is not found in custom_dirs.", color="yellow")

def custom_download_list(url): filename = "custom_download_list.txt" filepath = os.path.join(root_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) if '' in url: if 'raw' not in url: url = url.replace('', '') download(url=url, filename=filename, dst=root_dir, quiet=True) return filepath

def main(): start_time = time.time() textfile_path = download_list if custom_download_list_url: textfile_path = custom_download_list(custom_download_list_url) download_from_textfile(textfile_path) custom_download(custom_dirs)

elapsed_time  = py_utils.calculate_elapsed_time(start_time)
print_line(80, color="green")
cprint(f"Download finished. Took {elapsed_time}.", color="flat_yellow")
cprint("All is done! Go to the next step.", color="flat_yellow")
print_line(80, color="green")


this was the code for the downloading btw