This puts the content of machine_provision in os_provision and cluster_provision, then renames os_provision to machine_provision.
This effectively deletes one job of the provisioning pipeline.
Note that this simple change does not touch any of the logic, and thus does not correct the fact that the "d05" cluster's d03s will be provisioned with the d05 kernel opts line.
This bug (lest I'm missing something) requires too much work, especially seeing as templates will soon be added to the provisioning pipeline.
This puts the content of machine_provision in os_provision and cluster_provision, then renames os_provision to machine_provision.
This effectively deletes one job of the provisioning pipeline.
Note that this simple change does not touch any of the logic, and thus does not correct the fact that the "d05" cluster's d03s will be provisioned with the d05 kernel opts line. This bug (lest I'm missing something) requires too much work, especially seeing as templates will soon be added to the provisioning pipeline.