Lindacoin / Linda

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Issue: Removal of IRC hooks #23

Closed MrBitKoin closed 6 years ago

MrBitKoin commented 6 years ago

-Removed the IRC source files -Updated Qt Creator project to not include irc source. -Removed command line test for -irc

nisanb commented 6 years ago

Did you also remove all dependencies from other sources? example: net.cpp, line 1678 - threadGroup.create_thread(boost::bind(&TraceThread<void (*)()>, "irc", &ThreadIRCSeed));

MrBitKoin commented 6 years ago

Forgot to add the file from the stage. Either way I had forgotten to comment out the #include "irc.h" so was good I had to go back and look. Thank you.

nisanb commented 6 years ago

Awesome. Did you compile to check there are no other dependencies included?

nisanb commented 6 years ago

Hi. I've added the code changes required for the IRC deprecation at pull request #25 Please close this pull request as it is a duplicate