Firstly, thank you for helping me actually get this on Git.
As to the actual homework, the strange rules surrounding :link and :visit still confuse me, but I believe that I'm alright for now just going through with trial and error, and when that fails, google. I haven't done the bonus yet, but I see how to do it, you add another container div and put them next to each other with inline-block. Only other complaint I had was having to guestimate the pixel sizes for everything, but Jeff said that if I was ever doing a real mock up I should be able to get the actual sizes, so I suppose it's fine.
Firstly, thank you for helping me actually get this on Git.
As to the actual homework, the strange rules surrounding :link and :visit still confuse me, but I believe that I'm alright for now just going through with trial and error, and when that fails, google. I haven't done the bonus yet, but I see how to do it, you add another container div and put them next to each other with inline-block. Only other complaint I had was having to guestimate the pixel sizes for everything, but Jeff said that if I was ever doing a real mock up I should be able to get the actual sizes, so I suppose it's fine.