LingDong- / qiji-font

齊伋體 - typeface from Ming Dynasty woodblock printed books
SIL Open Font License 1.1
1.32k stars 71 forks source link

纠错+手工补字计划 #24

Open Lottin0113 opened 3 years ago

Lottin0113 commented 3 years ago


字元—显示汉字 㩃 — 𢷘 䈁 — 籥 刊 — 可 婿 — 壻 宇 — 字 宾 — 賨 賓 — 賨 廋 — 庾 怅 — 帳 悵 — 帳 挻 — 挺 斡 — 𠏉 暄 — 喧 晖 — 睴 暉 — 睴 榑 — 搏 桡 — 撓 橈 — 撓 槟 — 𢷤 檳 — 𢷤 欽 — 飲 泲 — 濟 洒 — 酒 滖 — 瀼 熟 — 熱 痺 — 庳 瞻 — 贍 祇 — 袛 祓 — 袚 祗 — 𥿄 祫 — 袷 祲 — 䘲 禅 — 襌 禪 — 襌 秏 — 耗 稃 — 粰 箦 — 蔶 簀 — 蔶 篨 — 蒢 簞 — 簟 簦 — 䔲 粱 — 梁 糾 — 紏 绘 — 繒 繪 — 繒 绛 — 綘 絳 — 綘 肋 — 脇 臒 — 臞 蔐 — 蔏 蛖 — 硥 蠖 — 𧓈 衔 — 䘖 裸 — 祼 讎 — 雙 躐 — 蠟 迥 — 廻 遬 — 遫 鈎 — 鉤 鉤 — 鈎 銜 — 䘖 錀 — 鑰 铙 — 饒 鐃 — 饒 钦 — 飲 雎 — 睢 雠 — 雙 霏 — 霑 飢 — 饑 饑 — 飢 鳌 — 鬚 鰲 — 鬚 鶩 — 騖 鹜 — 騖 ———2021.1.29——— 痕 — 㾗 蓉 — 芰 庳 — 痺 ———2021.2.1——— 孑 — 子 ———2021.2.17——— 蒽 — 蔥

(已经忽略明显的异体字,可能还包含某些异体字而非“错字”。) 肉眼排查,可能还有遗漏。其中有的可能已在新版本中更正。





LingDong- commented 3 years ago

Hi @Lottin0113 ,

👍👍 This is amazing, thank you so much for the work! Must be quite an arduous task, and your new glyphs look great, almost hard to distinguish from the original :) Will be more than happy to merge it into the repo when you're done!

And thanks for spotting the errors, I remember there's another Issue that also collected many errors. Will work on fixing all of them as soon as I get some time!

LingDong- commented 3 years ago

It's been a while and I finally got around to it ;)

Just published a new release v0.0.3: most of the errors have been fixed (along with some more from the other Issue). See below.

Again, thanks a lot for spotting those errors!


Lottin0113 commented 2 years ago

Newly found wrong mappings will be continuously updated as follows: 蚙 is displayed as 蛉 (2021.12.13)

ostaith commented 2 years ago

@Lottin0113 你好,请问你是用什么软件补字的呢?能不能分享下补字的教程?

Lottin0113 commented 2 years ago

@Lottin0113 你好,请问你是用什么软件补字的呢?能不能分享下补字的教程?


Lottin0113 commented 2 years ago

Recently I have found some variant mappings that could be added:

in Basic 俎冒冗冤吊塚妹徇惕戛摯擫斂昧曳歫段煮畫絳縆羹臟莽萼蔑蠢蠹褚赍趬遠釠鎖鑽雁頹髡鱉搜兔 ↓ 爼冐宂寃弔塜妺狥愓戞摰擪歛昩曵岠叚煑畵綘絙羮臓莾蕚薎惷蠧禇齎遶逺鐖鎻鑚鴈頺髠鼈捜兎

in ExtA 爨陷點幼喉踈孿拗 ↓ 㸑䧟㸃㓜㗋䟱㝈抝

Han-Orz commented 10 months ago

@Lottin0113 您好,您补的字样看起来真的很好,想问一下有计划分享出来或者合并到这个项目吗?