Linkd-Inc / ngx-slideshow

An Agular 2+ slideshow component
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Padding input without unit extension breaks slideshow #10

Closed crutchcorn closed 6 years ago

crutchcorn commented 6 years ago

Bug Report or Feature Request (mark with an x)

- [x] bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [ ] feature request

Framework Versions

ngx-slideshow 0.0.9

Repro steps

      <ngx-slideshow #slideshow [cards]="1" [padding]="'0'" [disableTabbing]="true" [cardSize]="'100%'"

The log given by the failure

There is no console error, the left setting mechinism just silently fails. That being said, a workaround for now is to set [padding] to equal 0px