LinkedEarth / PyleoTutorials

Jupyter-based, science-driven tutorials for using the LinkedEarth data-software Python ecosystem
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tutorial on how to edit subplots #41

Open b-r-hamilton opened 1 year ago

b-r-hamilton commented 1 year ago

Hi all - would love to see a tutorial on how to edit subplots of a pyleoclim figure. Specifically, I want to override a PCA plot so I can plot my own loadings.

Right now, the way I'm handling this is by calling

fig, gs = pca.modeplot()
ax = subplot(gs[3,1])

and then plotting everything to ax. gs is a GridSpec and fig is a Figure.

CommonClimate commented 1 year ago

that seems like a good way to me ; however, I agree that it could be added to the relevant tutorial. @jordanplanders is there anything else you would add there?

CommonClimate commented 3 weeks ago

Proposal: fold this into a PaleoBook, to avoid making an artificial example