LinkedInAttic / hopscotch

A framework to make it easy for developers to add product tours to their pages.
Apache License 2.0
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Is there any 'Done' button or tour end event? #343

Open RamizSami opened 6 years ago

RamizSami commented 6 years ago

I need to run a function when the user clicks on 'done' or close button. But apparently 'onClose' and 'onEnd' callbacks are not working. Here is my tour: var tour = { id: "hello-hopscotch", steps: [{ title: "<img src='/static/images/sparky_tipster.png' class = 'sparky-tipster'>Sparky The Tipster", content: "This ticket is now created and appointed to you. If you wish to appoint this to someone else, please change appointed to user.", target: "appointed-to", placement: "left", showCTAButton: true, ctaLabel: "Don't show again", onCTA: function() { hide_guide("Appointed Hint"); hopscotch.endTour() }, onEnd: function() { mark_done(); }, }, ] }; Can anyone please guide me on which call back should be used here?

gamunax commented 6 years ago

                                    nextBtn: 'Continuar',
                                    prevBtn: 'Atras',
                                    doneBtn: 'Cerrar Tour'
                                  steps: [
                                      target: 'tourBusUnoIda',
                                      content: 'En esta sección, podrá seleccionar sus asientos para su viaje',
                                      placement: 'right',                                    
                                      onNext: function() {
                                      onEnd: function() {
                                      target: 'busidaseleccion',
                                      title:'Reservar asientos',
                                      content: 'Haga clic en un asiento para continuar',
                                      placement: 'left',                                    
                                      showNextButton: false,
                                      showPrevButton: false,
                                      nextOnTargetClick: true,
                                      onNext: function() {
                                      target: 'formularioida',
                                      title:'Registro de pasajeros',
                                      content: 'Ingrese los datos del pasajero a viajar',
                                      showPrevButton: false,
                                      yOffset: -40,
                                      onNext: function() {
                                      target: document.querySelector("#botonpagarahora"),
                                      title: 'Haga clic aquí para pagar',
                                      placement: 'top',
                                      showPrevButton: false                                    
                                  onStart: function() {
                                  onEnd: function() {                                
                                  showPrevButton: true,
                                  scrollTopMargin: 100

                                let state = hopscotch.getState();