LinkedInAttic / hopscotch

A framework to make it easy for developers to add product tours to their pages.
Apache License 2.0
4.2k stars 666 forks source link

Running "rollup:amd" (rollup) task is Aborting Due to Warnings #346

Open tworkman512 opened 6 years ago

tworkman512 commented 6 years ago

Not understanding what I'm doing wrong in my Gruntfile.js config.

When I run grunt build, getting the following in my console and the build Aborts:

Running "rollup:amd" (rollup) task
options.entry is deprecated, use options.input
The following options have been renamed — please update your config: moduleName -> name, sourceMap -> sourcemap, sourceMapFile -> sourcemapFile, useStrict -> strict
Warning: bundle.generate(...) now returns a Promise instead of a { code, map } object Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

I was able to fix a few of the things it was complaining about, but not sure how to fix this. Here is my config for rollup:

    rollup: {
      amd: {
        dest: 'tmp/js/hopscotch_amd_tmp.js',
        options: {
          format: 'amd',
          id: HOPSCOTCH
        src: 'src/js/hopscotch.js'
      umd: {
        dest: 'tmp/js/hopscotch_umd_tmp.js',
        options: {
          format: 'umd',
          name: HOPSCOTCH
        src: 'src/js/hopscotch.js'
      options: {
        plugins: [
            exclude: 'node_modules/**'

Any help/guidance with this would be much appreciated.


tworkman512 commented 6 years ago

Seeing this in:

Hopscotch Release v0.3.1, which seems to be the latest as of this post.

I'm running:

Node v8.1.2 NPM v5.3.0

How to reproduce:

  1. Clone the project
  2. CD to project directory
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run grunt build
  5. See the warning referenced above and the build then aborts.

What I'm Trying To Do:

I'm trying to run a local instance of Hopscotch, so I can build my own custom on-boarding tour.

tworkman512 commented 6 years ago

I was able to figure out the issue. This version of Hopscotch is using an outdated version of grunt-rollup. Fixed by updating the grunt-rollup package and build now passes.

tworkman512 commented 6 years ago