LinkedPasts / linked-places-format

Linked Places format is used to describe attestations of places in a standard way, primarily for linking gazetteer datasets.
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Clarify documentation of start and end in TSV spec #16

Open frederik-elwert opened 5 years ago

frederik-elwert commented 5 years ago

The documentation of start currently reads:

Earliest relevant date in ISO 8601 form (YYYY-MM-DD); …

For me, “relevant date” seems to be a bit vague. E.g., does this date refer to the use of the name given, or to the existence/use of the place? Of course the TSV is less expressive than the JSON-LD format, but it would be helpful to understand how a date given here is interpreted during import.

kgeographer commented 5 years ago

Good point, thanks. I've updated the spec. How does it read now?

frederik-elwert commented 5 years ago

Yes, that’s very helpful! (Sorry for the late feedback, somehow the notification got lost.)