LinkedPasts / linked-traces-format

Patterns based on the W3C Web Annotation Model, primarily for use in linking resources describing historical phenomena with the places relevant to them.
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Linked Traces and AIO #2

Open Chris-de-Lisle opened 2 years ago

Chris-de-Lisle commented 2 years ago

Hello all, I'm Chris de Lisle, one of the editors of Attic Inscriptions Online. The idea of AIO and Pelagios interacting has been in the air for a long time, but has been held up because AIO doesn't have the capacity to output data as a dump file or an API. We've recently received some money which will allow us to do just that (provided that we do it by the beginning of June...). I've been in touch with Elton Barker and Simon Ranier about this and they've said that it would be good if AIO outputted data about its inscriptions in the Linked Traces format. Unfortunately, the Linked Traces format is still a work in progress, as you will know.

Therefore, I'm posting here the data that AIO plans to output, in the hope that we can come up with how/whether that data should map onto Linked Traces, so that I can ask my developer to action it (he has, rather sensibly, said, that he can't really do very much until he knows what the output should look like).

I think it is useful to work at the level of a given inscription, with the example of I Eleus 175 (


Inscription text. AIO has an irregular epidoc realisation of English text and (in many cases) epidoc of the Greek too. At some point, AIO really should export this data, but the way it is stored makes that difficult and it’s not relevant to Linked Traces, so let’s not.

Dates: We store a “display date” in plain text (in this case “ca. 330 BC”) and “start date” and “end date” as numerical values (here “-340” and “-320”) which are used for searching. This seems to port fairly straightforwardly onto Linked Traces’ "lpo:when": {"timespans":[{"start": ####/####"}]} .

Typology: We have two typologies, each of which comes with a Super type, a Sub type, and a display text. One of these is a “monument type” (e.g. “Stele”, “Base”, Altar”). The other is an “Inscription type” (e.g., “Sacrificial calendar”, “Decree”). I’m not sure of the value of exporting these since this typology suits our project very well, but if exported it might create expectations of standardisation with other projects.

Location data: We distinguish between “Findspot”, current location (“collection”), and “original location”. These three types can presumably be treated as “lpo:relation”s . Potentially tricky is that many/most inscriptions are formed of multiple fragments called “monument part”s, each of which may have separate “Findspots” and “collections”.

So, that is the metadata that AIO has and perhaps laying it out like that will help us start to think about how best to line it up with the linked-traces format. As will be clear, I have one eye on how we export the data for Linked-Traces and one eye on how the work AIO does in this instance can form the basis of exports of our data for other purposes. I hope that’s all clear and useful and I am very grateful for advice!

Chris-de-Lisle commented 2 years ago

Ok, I've had a first go at producing a pattern, using this entry as an example ( It is a good example, because it is fairly complex, with multiple fragments found in different locations and now kept in different locations, etc. Aside from the fact that only one place is mentioned in it, it is probably as complicated as any AIO entry gets.

I'd be grateful for any comments on this; I'm not at all a programmer/technical person, so have probably made many errors


(Edit: Apparently github strips out spacing, making the below tricky to read. I can provide in a .txt format if desired).

===== { "@context":["", { "lpo": ""}], "id": "####", "type": "Annotation", "creator" : { "@id" : "", "name" : "Attic Inscriptions Online", "homepage" : "" }, "created": "2016-03-12", "motivation": "describing", "target": [{ "id": "", "type": "Document", "title": "AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1" "summary": "Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries"
"lpo:when": {"timespans": [{"start": {"in":"-0475"},"end": {"in":"-0450"}}],"summary": "Ca. 475-450 BC",} "location": {"lpo:relation": "lpo:origlocation", "title": "Agora", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)", "id": "", "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.7225,37.975], }, "links": [ { "title":"AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1", "type": "exactMatch", "url":[{"href":"", "label":"AIO"}, {"href":"", "label":"AIUK"}] "partOf":{"title":"Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections. Vol. 4.2. British Museum. Decrees of the Council and Assembly", "creator":"S. D. Lambert ed.", "created":"2020"}, }, { "title":"IG I3 6",
"type": "exactMatch", "url": [{"href":"", "label":"PHI"}, {"href":"", "label":"IG Online"}] "partOf":{"title":"Inscriptiones Graecae. Vol. I Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores. Editio tertia", "creator":"D. M. Lewis, L. H. Jeffery, E. Erxleben, K. Hallof eds.", "created":"1981-1998"}, { "title":"SEG 61.44 (C33)", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":"Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Various eds.", "created":"1923-"} }, { "title":"SEG 66.22a", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":"Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Various eds.", "created":"1923-"}, }, { "title":"GIBM I 2", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":"Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum. Part 1 Attika", "creator":"E. L. Hicks", "created":"1874"} }, { "title":"Syll.3 42", "type": "exactMatch" , "partOf":{"title":"Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum", "creator":"W. Dittenberger ed.", "created":"1915-1924 (3rd edition)"} }, { "title":"Sokolowski, LSS 3", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":"Lois sacrées des cités grecques. Supplément", "creator":"F. Sokolowski", "created":"1962"} }, { "title":"Fornara, Translated documents 75", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":"Translated documents of Greece and Rome. I: Archaic times to the end of the Peloponnesian war. 2nd revised edition", "creator":"C. W. Fornara", "created":"1983"} }, { "title":"Immerwahr, Script, 95 no. 629", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":"Attic Script: A Survey", "creator":"H. Immerwahr", "created":"1990"} }, { "title":"I Eleusis 19", "type": "exactMatch", "url": {"href":"", "label":"PHI"} "partOf":{"title":"Eleusis. The Inscriptions on Stone. IA Text. IB Plates. II Commentary", "creator":"K. Clinton ed.", "created":"2005 (I) and 2008 (II)"} }, { "title":"Meyer, Origins, 353-63", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":""The Origins of the Athenian Documentary Stele", Hesperia 85 (2016), 323-83", "creator":"E. A. Meyer", "created":"2016 (= SEG 66.22)"}, "url": } {"title":"OR 106", "type": "exactMatch", "partOf":{"title":"Greek Historical Inscriptions 478-404 BC", "creator":"R. Osborne, P. J. Rhodes eds."", "created":"2017"} }] "image": [ { "type": "Image", "url": "", "label": "1g, face A © Trustees of the British Museum" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "", "label": "1g, face B © Trustees of the British Museum" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "" "label": 1g, face C © Trustees of the British Museum }, { "type": "Image", "url": "" "label": "Agora Excavations" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "" "label": "Agora Excaavations" }, { "type": "Image", "url": ""
"label": "Aleshire" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "" "label": "Cornell" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "" "label": "Cornell" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "" "label": "Cornell" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "" "label": "Ohio" }], }], "body": [{ "title":"Monument Parts", "type": "collection", "items": [ { "label": "fr. a", "type": "object", "location": [{"lpo:relation": "lpo:findspot", "title": "Agora", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)", "id": "", "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.7225,37.975], }, {"lpo:relation": "lpo:currentlocation", "title:"Agora Museum, Athens", }], "identifier": {"label":"Ag. I 3322b", "href":""} }, { "label": "fr. b", "type": "object", "location": [{"lpo:relation": "lpo:findspot", "title": "Agora", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)", "id": "", "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.7225,37.975], }, {"lpo:relation": "lpo:currentlocation", "title:"Agora Museum, Athens", }], "identifier": {"label":"Ag. I 3322a", "href":""} }, { "label": "fr. c", "type": "object", "location": [{"lpo:relation": "lpo:findspot", "title": "Agora", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)", "id": "", "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.7225,37.975], }, {"lpo:relation": "lpo:currentlocation", "title:"Agora Museum, Athens", }], "identifier": {"label":"Ag. I 2907a", "href":""} }, { "label": "fr. d", "type": "object", "location": [{"lpo:relation": "lpo:findspot", "title": "Agora", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)", "id": "", "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.7225,37.975], }, {"lpo:relation": "lpo:currentlocation", "title:"Agora Museum, Athens", }], "identifier": {"label":"Ag. I 2907b", "href":""} }, { "label": "fr. e", "type": "object", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)",
"type": "object", "location": [{"lpo:relation": "lpo:findspot", "title": "Agora", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)", "id": "", "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.7225,37.975], }], <-- This item is in collection "Lost", which should probably not be exported --> }, { "label": "fr. f", "type": "object", "location": [{"lpo:relation": "lpo:findspot", "title": "Agora", "summary":"Agora (City Eleusinion)", "id": "", "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.7225,37.975], }, {"lpo:relation": "lpo:currentlocation", "title:"Epigraphic Museum, Athens", }], "identifier": {"label":"EM 576", "href":""} }, { "label": "fr. g", "type": "object", "location": [{"lpo:relation": "lpo:findspot", "title": "Athens" "summary":"House close to "Theseion" [: Hephaisteion]", "id": "", "coordinates": [37.9727951076,23.726587521], }, {"lpo:relation": "lpo:currentlocation", "title:"Agora Museum, Athens", }], "identifier": {"label":"BM 1816,0610.291", "href":""} }] }, {"title":"Mentioned Places", "type":"collection", "items": [ {"title": "Eleusis", "id": "", "coordinates": [38.041101,23.537401], "lpo:relation": "lpo:attestation"}]} }